Saturday, August 25, 2012

ROMP Tour Day 25 - Insert key followed by HOME

I have decided to get back on the road today, come title or empty mailbox.

No title yet but the mail should be here in an hour, at that point I either leave with the title or I leave without it.  I'll hook up Miss Perception this afternoon and head north, estimated departure is sometime between 3pm and 4pm.  Not sure how far I'll get but I'll drive until I'm tired and then find a safe place to rest for the night and then my destination will be the Airstream Dealer in WA for some for some repairs and overall inspection.  I have talked to the kind people there and they are willing to keep the little Miss until I can go back down and fetch her.  I have to go back to Vancouver and then Seattle for the 3rd week in September so she will make her final homecoming to Powell River in late September, early October. 

This was not the plan, but expectations are often misaligned in life so I have taken things one day at a time and not put pressure or ultimatums on anything.  This morning I made the decision to leave and I have a huge appreciation for this type of freedom in my life right now, to be able to go or stay and have it be ok. 

It wasn't an easy decision as Deb and Denny would love me to stay longer and I enjoy it here but I really need to get home and if I don't leave today then next weekend (being the long weekend) is going to be a zoo for traveling and considering the border and ferries, it's not when I'd like to be attempting this homeward bound tour, and staying beyond the long weekend would mean that I would maybe not even get back to Powell River until the end of September because it wouldn't be worth heading all the way back to just turn around and head back to Vancouver. 

This is my latest addition for Miss Perception, a couple of little solar lights so that I can easily see the step even the dark of the night without the porch light on.

I'd like to end this post with a traditional Gaelic blessing that Deb mentioned this morning and I'm sure my friends would all agree is a nice way to set out on the road:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 


  1. We said our farewells to dear friend Juhli, and she pulled out of our driveway at ~4:10pm Sat. on the first leg of her trip home. *Still* no title in the mailbox! Oh well! The (new) plan to drop off the beautiful Miss P. at the Airstream dealership in Seattle provides more time for that tardy title's) arrival! We sent her off with freshly baked yummy things to eat on the road, and with warm wishes for an enjoyable, easy drive home.

    We're already missing you, Juhli, and looking forward to your next visit!!!!

    Love from Deb & Denny at the "D&D B&B!!!!"

  2. Thank you Deb and Denny for taking such good care of Juhli and Miss P! We're all looking forward to seeing her back home safe and sound and I know she'll have lots of good memories of her stay with you.


  3. Ohh that sucks about the mail and glitches... but you have great friends, family and Little Miss ... I agree with the comment about ferries and timeline .. it's going to SUCK!

    Travel safe hun - relax, enjoy and this gives you another reason to go down and start a new adventure next month!!!


  4. Hey, Lise! Oh, you know it was completely *our* *pleasure* having Juhli and her beautiful, shiny new friend Miss P. here with us! We miss her already! Give her a big welcome home hug for us when you see her, please!
