Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 7 - Bumpy ROMP

It's been a week since I left Powell River
A lot has happened, my life has changed.
I am on a learning curve with all kinds of systems and switches.
I'm getting to know Miss Perception a bit better every day.

This pic is my moment rolling out of Ed's place with Miss Perception. 

An adventure is made up of people, places and situations.
Right now I'm with some of my favourite people, in a wonderful place.

1.  There was a possible recall on the fridge in the airstream but upon closer examination I determined it's not part of the recall - yay for Miss Perception, she's still perfect !!  This also saves me some time/logistics since I'd have to get it deal with before leaving the US. 

2.  I filled out and sent off the title transfer request to the DMV (Dept of Motor Vehicles), I decided to express post it so the 10 day turn-around could hopefully be shaved down by a couple of days.  Yvette was kind enough to chauffeur me to the Orange post office since Ella has Miss Perception in tow and if you've ever been to the post office here you'd know that parking would be challenging and exiting even more exiciting maybe almost impossible without taking out a mailbox or two and possibly a palm tree.  I could have disconnected Miss Perception but a couple of girls our for errands is more fun.   Girls in cars can't really just run errands though can they?  We have to shop! So we did.  I was able to get some storage bins that seem perfect.  Success.

3.  As human beings we tend to need water in our lives for basic things.  For some reason there are a few things on Miss Perception that I haven't figured out, one being the water pump.  I've received some suggestions and tried a few things but no luck.  Some other items (outdoor electric plugs, status center) are not working.  I thought I'd just take my time to figure it out.  I was getting ready for bed and noticed that the electrical panel under the bed had fallen open driving down the other day so I thought I should take my flashlight and just take a look at it to get to know it.  Guess what?  There was a blown fuse - the one that supported the water pump.  I didn't have a spare but I borrowed the one from the sub woofer (oh yeah, this baby's got a nice sound system) temporarily and immediately the pump came on and I could hear the water start flowing to the kitchen and the bathroom.  Yay!! A minor item for the seasoned RVer but for a novice it was quite exciting.  I fixed something!

4.  A good ROMP needs some good bumpin' right?  Well I am in Southern California and after a great dinner, some drinks and card games David headed to bed and Brion and Yvette walked me home (out the front door and to the curb where Miss Perception is parked).  I put away my new storage bins and got ready for bed.  I had just laid down on the bed and was settling in when I could hear a party down the street, not too loud but audible.  Then about 5 minutes later I felt something really strong shake my airstream.  My heart started beating out of my chest.  What do I do? Is someone trying to break in? to steal something?  Are they trying to disconnect the trailer?  PANIC !!  I listened but I didn't hear anyone, no footsteps. no close-by conversations.  My windows were cracked open in the front and back so I thought if someone was going to be messing around with anything I'd hear something.  About 5 minutes later I thought... wait, this could have been an earthquake !  I was delighted - an earthquake!! So much better than an axe murder.  I was safe and no one was trying to break in and off I slipped to sleep.  
I am very impressed with the the internal daytime temperature of the trailer, with the windows cracked and the curtains pulled closed it is the same temp or a bit cooler inside than outside even without the fan on or door open.  It is "heat wave" season here so it's still uncomfortably warm but not worse than outside at least, good to know.   I'm happy happy happy.  I'm getting to know Miss Perception better and so far with each discovery I'm tickled. 


  1. You look super at the wheel with your baby behind you!

  2. Beauty everywhere! Inside pics please!

  3. Yes, what a team you and the lovely Miss P. make, Juhli! Not to mention the helpful GyPSy... (love the inventive names, by the way ;^).

    Where are you now? Denny and I are looking forward to seeing you in just a few days!!!


    1. Deb, I'm in SoCal (Orange and Bellflower) and heading to San Mateo on Saturday morning. I'll see YOU on Sunday !!

  4. She's SO cute!! perfect really and BRAVO on finding and fixing your problem!!
