Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 8 - Comments Welcome (for all)

No miles but many smiles.

To the followers who want to comment but can't - you can now.  I adjusted the settings and you should be able to comment under anonymous now (but do sign your name so I know who you are :)  Thanks !!!

Miss Perception has found a place to happily boon dock for 2 days and it's been fun to sleep in what I would now like to call  "my own bed" while still getting to hang out with friends and work from a spacious office during the day.

The spacious office comes with air conditioning and this important right now because there's a heat wave in Southern California - phew it's hot.  They call it earthquake weather here and they're not kidding.  As you know I had a little "bump" in the night yesterday and today while I was working the rocking and shaking started again, I was on the phone and less nervous than I normally have been in the past during earthquakes and part of that was probably because I wasn't alone, Brion and Yvette were there.  Yvette let out a big "wahooo" when it was over.  Awesome.  There were a few aftershocks, I only felt the first one about 30 minutes later. 

As all good things must come to an end... I had to move on and see another group of friends and introduce them to Miss Perception as well.  The best laid plans sometimes change and my hopes for driving back to Bellflower in the daylight quickly vanished when I got absolutely carried away with my visit to Lance and Shannon's place.  Luke and Jake (their grown sons) were there as well and once we opened Miss Perception's door and people started coming in and checking her out, the neighbours started to show up and suddenly 4 new friends turned into 8 and then someone was off for their evening walk and stopped by to join the conversation as well.  Miss Perception was a hit !

After a great tour there was dessert to be had and some great reminiscing as well as some hopeful future plans of RV adventures together.  Luke (19) is extremely eager to visit Miss Perception and I in Canada - I think that would be fun although I feel a large part of it has to do with Canada's drinking age.   Haha.

So the first Night Ride(r - oh sorry, I don't know David Hassellhoff channeled through me there for a second) I headed from Orange to Bellflower, about a 30 minute drive.  I did really well, we all did:  GyPSy, Miss Perception, Ella and I.  The drive was good, I was forcing myself to relax because some nerves still exist but I just kept saying "trust the space" - I'm spatially challenged right now in that I don't have a really good feel for my dimensions but I'm getting better.  Each mile will get easier. 

Here are some long-awaited pictures from the interior.  Enjoy and one more day, then I'm back on the road again and the Trippy Facts will return. 
Here are some interior pics

Starting with the dining room

 Close-up of the fabrics
 Kitchen includes sink with dual-purpose sink cover/cutting board, pull out faucet, two burner stove with range hood that offers light and fan options.  Dining seating on the right and overhead storage - I love the storage !!
 Bedroom on the left with a small closet (actually quite spacious inside) and then right back to the kitchen.
 Bedroom with a comfy, spacious place to sleep.
 TV, sort of tied down right now but it swings out over the bed and also swings around so you can be sitting at the dining area and watch TV too.
 View from the bed, my bookshelves/holders and then back out into the dining area on the right. 
 Storage over the dining table.

 View from the front door - bathroom door looking into the rest of the trailer.  Oh, and that's not a dishwasher, it's my fridge !!
 Just to show the colors of the floor, in juxtaposition of the stainless baseboards and then the darker colored walls.


  1. Eeeeeeee! I love it! It's so your style Juhli, how gorgeous.

  2. So Cool....dreams do come true!

    Beautiful trailer. Enjoying the travelogue

    Mike J

  3. So awesome Juhli!! I love her already and can't wait to meet her in person. So glad you are having a great time getting to know her and showing her off.

  4. I haven't felt a quake here for some time now, and nothing like what you describe above. I love how you've taken to driving with the Airstream behind you, and I hope I'm in town when you pull through. Thanks for posting new photos! Hope to see you soon, C. (Corinne)
