Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 4 - Long Haul

It was an early morning for a “day off” but the hostel I stayed at in Portland was lovely and they had free breakfast so I enjoyed a bagel with some exciting German banter and then some English too.  I was on the road and and hit the freeway before 8am.   ROMP Tour in motion for another day.
The drive was fantastic today.  Warm, perfect weather, and a well functioning A/C so a very happy driver.  
Oregon only has full service gas stations so it was a treat to get the full service treatment.    If you ever have the chance, fill up in Oregon, it takes me back to being a kid and sitting in the back seat of the car while an attendant filled the tank.
GyPSy was good to me today, she’s so patient, even when I blatantly ignore her, she never sighs or tsks, or throw a map at me, she just gently tells me when I should turn and in the same gentle tone as she told me the first time.   I have to say… of all the things in my life this is probably one of the only ones where I’d say a machine is better than a person (eeek, I’m almost sorry for saying that… but I’m not).  Love GyPSy.
The roads were dappled with construction but to help ease drivers' frustrations there are reminders in the form of huge road signs touting “your tax dollars hard at work”, to which I reply, "No, YOUR tax dollars hard at work!! Canada takes all my tax dollars !!" 
Northern California welcomed me with some lovely pine forests and sweeping views of mountains and valley and of course the most awe-inspiring mountain of the day - Ssssssshasta.  I love Mount Shasta and it was in my view for almost an hour, I enjoyed every moment.  Lake Shasta was fairly low and there was a large wildfire close by but the freeway was still open. 
Forests give way to fields and crops.  Sunflowers intermingled with olive groves and then eventually vineyards, just grab a few friends and stay for a while, what else do you need?  
There was a fair bit of roadkill today, enough to stuff a large freezer full for the winter but then I don’t think I’m far enough east to warrant picking up road kill for “eattins”.
A few short stops for gas, food and then Sacramento  where I stopped at the hostel but decided I still had enough time to continue my trek south.  Miles I drive today are miles I won’t need to see tomorrow.  So I decided to head inland a bit and took the 99 south to Merced.    Tonight it's a "home" hostel which I have to say was unexpectedly rigid from "no showers at night" to "no WiFi" to walking into the dorm at 7:10 announcing "breakfast is ready".  I know they were trying to be hospitable but I couldn't wait to get out.  Caged bird comes to mind. 
Trippy Facts:
700+ mile day
Airstream count:  2 today and 1 yesterday so I’m up to 3
Enforcement:  Highway patrol in full force, many unfortunate souls and at one point, yours truly got "lit up" as well.  Thankfully it was more a "get out of my way" and less of a "say hello to my little ticket book". 
Shout outs: these are signs that remind me of someone I know.  When I’m reminded of people on the road I think they should know that they were thought about.  Maybe you're in my list for today...
Willows, Bailey Hill Road, Jacksonville, Arno, Lane County, followed by Lane C College, Grants Pass, Hill Road, Jumpoff Joe Creek, San Andreas.


  1. Well.. you brought a tear to my eye!! Mount Shasta... some of my best memories are from there. When you come back North - tell that Mountain that I'll see her soon and thank her for an amazing turn of events that brough me here!
    I'm very much enjoying your trip, hun... If you fueled in Oregon, you paid road taxes... :D
    700 miles a day - you're doing extreemly well!!! Bravo!
    It's hot, my A/C in my truck doesn't work and the humidity is high, also... sigh, but I did find a place in Chilliwack, so you'll have yet another place to rest your head once we move in (Sept) :D

  2. Denise !! All your good advice is coming in handy, I'm sure I'll be asking you more over the coming months as well. Shasta is incredible, I will send your regards. Good luck with your move and yes, I'll stop by and see you when you're settled in. Thanks for following along :)
