While I was away my mom was nice enough to collect my mail for me. Actually she collected it yesterday even after I've gotten home which was very nice because I hadn't had a chance to get over to the Post Office.
I was quite surprised to see a letter from the California DMV (Dept of Motor Vehicles). Was this my title?
All I have to say is "it's the DMV". There was a title in the envelope, but the old title. Grrrr still no closer.
So I have an "incomplete application" just because they say I owe them more money. When Ed and I were at the DMV the lady gave us all the forms to fill out and said I would need to pay $15. I got a money order from the local Post Office, filled everything out and couriered it to the DMV. (queue the wrong-answer buzzer) Apparently another $15 is needed to process the paperwork. Not a big deal, I don't care about the money side of things, just a waste of time for everyone.
I"ll send the extra money and send all the paperwork back and then just cross my fingers and see what happens. I had filled out paperwork for the DMV to send the title to Deb's place since I was hoping to meet the paperwork there on my way back up the coast. I'm not changing anything. I'm just leaving everything as it is and resubmitting, between Deb and I one of us will get the title at some point.
I was at the DMV originally on August 7th and now on August 28th the update comes that the application is incomplete. So I guess, if I'm really really lucky and send in a complete application and the remaining fees that maybe, just maybe I could get the title in time for my late September trip.
I'll be writing them a cheque and getting this posted today. Go little title go !!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
ROMP Tour Day 26 - Northbound
After leaving Fort Bragg on Saturday afternoon, Ella was having a really hard time. The upgrades she got were necessary but it seems like there's another problem. I'm no car expert but the engine is revving way to high, there is a lack of power and the transmission is shifting way too slow. The car is unresponsive to changes from the accelerator and I'm still trying to figure out when overdrive should be on or off. With this new set of problems I am making some judgement calls.
By 10:30pm I decided to call it a night and pulled into a rest stop of the south side of Grants Pass. There was another RV there as well, a young family so I went over and introduced myself to them before heading to bed. My nerves were pretty raw and my stomach was in knots so I couldn't sleep. I read for a while and after numerous attempts finally made it to sleep around 1am. Nerves, Noise, Lights... tough night to get rest. It was a gorgeous spot and in the morning before I pulled out I took this picture, I really enjoyed the mist and fog.
I woke up by myself around 6:15am and was on the road by 6:30am, hoping to make the Airstream dealer in Covington, WA before they closed at 4pm. Sounds like lots of time but with Miss Perception in tow and Ella not quite at her best I wanted to get on the road as soon as possible. Ella growled all day, poor dear, but I had chats with her and thanked her for taking such good care of all of us so far and that we just needed to get Miss Perception to the dealer and I then I stroked the dashboard and told her it would be really nice if she could get me all the way home too please.
The drive is beautiful, I always find the scenic beauty whether it's golden fields that have endured a dry summer, row after row of pine trees or lush green countryside, I enjoy it all. There was some amazing fog that set upon me part way through the day, it make visibility difficult but the roads were fairly quiet so it was enjoyable.
Heading into Oregon I was looking forward to the full service gas stations. I timed it so I'd have to fill up twice in Oregon to take advantage of their wonderful service. The guys at the gas stations were awesome, they checked all my fluids for me and were excited about Miss Perception too, at one stop I opened up the door and several people peeked inside, the typical response is "oh, I want one of these!!" It's quite nice to have so much positive feedback on the trailer.
The day was full of other Airstream sightings, one vintage Airstream pulled up beside me, we waved at eachother and then they pulled on by. I thought it was pretty cool to be sandwiched between 2 airstreams, one in front of me and one directly behind me (in tow), my first caravan. Later in the day I noticed someone on the other side of the road flashing their high beam and waving their arms... I noticed all this before I saw the airstream they were towing. I waved back, these road acknowledgements are pretty cool, espeically when you're driving alone.
We rolled into the Airstream dealership at about 3:30pm and the service department closed at 4pm so I had just enough time to get all the paperwork setup and then drop off my little Miss. I told her she's going to stay there for a while, that it's summer camp for Airstreams there and that she'll have lots of friends to hang out with. She was sort of sad to see Ella and I leave with GyPSy but I told her I'd be back to pick her up and that all she had to do was let the nice people take care of her. There are a few items that need attention and I thought getting them done at the dealership would be my best bet. I'll also have their 22 point insepction done so if there's anything else that I was unaware of they'll find that too. Overall Miss Perception is in great shape so a few tweaks and she'll be even happier. The dealership is a bit backed up with work so they're more than willing to let me leave her there til the end of September (with no storage fee). They're awesome!
Ella and I got back on the road, I had been getting a headache all day and it was starting to get worse. I didn't have anything with me and I was hoping that I would be able to manage my way through it until I got to a place where I'd have enough time to buy something for it. So far it was annoying but manageable. It had been a harrowing 9 hour drive and now I was to continue my trek northbound, next stop would be the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal.
I was hoping to make the 7:55 ferry. I have always had extremely good luck with the ferries and more often than not I tend to make a ferry rather than miss it. GyPSy had us arriving at 7:37pm so I thought it was going to be quite tight, and it is the summer still so I was just going to see what happened. There was a fair bit of traffic and we rolled up to terminal at about 7:40, there were about 10 cars infront of me in my lane, I bought my ticket by about 7:53 and didn't even bother to ask the lady if I'd make the next sailing because I was quite certain that would be unlikely. I rolled my way down in Lane 11 and came to a stop behind a row of cars. There was a guy standing outside his truck and I asked him "did we miss the 7:55?" and he said "no, it's late". It should be here soon so don't go too far". Although the ferry was late, it was great to know that I'd still be making the sailing. I called my mom to let her know that I was still on my way home and she was happy to hear my voice, she said the mother hen is always happier when all her chicks are back home and safe so she was glad I was in Canada again. At this point my headache was getting really bad, I was starting to feel nauceous and I knew that I didn't take something soon that it could likely turn into a migraine.
We boarded the ferry at about 8:20pm and I headed up to the gift shop to see what they had for medicine. Extra Strength Tylenol was all to be had. I bought some (unfortunately Tylenol doesn't do much for my headaches) so I doubled the dose and went back down to the car because the lights and the smells upstairs were irritating. I tried to organize a few things in the car, fold some clothes and sort out bedding and laundry. As I refolded the clothes that I had washed at Deb's place I smelled the cozy fabric softner that she uses and immediately I felt like she was there with me. It make me smile while I finsihed sorting everything out and got in the car, a few minutes later we were docking and the drive to Earls Cove started.
I have driven this Sunshine Coast so many times but I was so exhausted and my headache was so bad I was oblivious to where I was, I could still see the road but I had no idea where (along the way) I was. At one point I came around a corner and thought there was this 20' high truck coming at me, it was a car and the placement of the streetlights looked like some quadruple decker bus. I told myself that it couldn't be real even while I was sure I was seeing it. At some point a while later my headache got the best of me and I had to pull over and I got sick for while, not pretty but I've got short hair. I didn't feel any better but after standing in the pouring rain for about 5 more minutes I got back in the car. I did eventually make it to Earls Cove, between talking to Ella and coaxing myself to keep driving, I arrived. I pulled some blankets over me and set the alarm on my phone for 10 mintues before the ferry was to leave. I put my seat back and went to sleep for about an hour. I woke up with a few minutes to spare before loading on the 11:25pm ferry, I went right back to sleep again after resetting my alarm once more. By the time we docked in Saltery Bay I was actually feeling a bit better. The nausea was still there a bit but my headache was easing up.
As I drove by Myrtle Point I had to pull over and take this picture of the moon on the water. This was "my beach" growing up so it holds a special place in my heart and it was a lovely welcome home by the bright and friendly moon. I drove home to the Townsite and made it to my place at about 12:45am. I swung by and picked up Lise for a quick visit before heading off to bed. After all this I couldn't sleep so I read until about 3am and then went to sleep because I had my first conference call for work at 8am.
An 18 hour drive in one go was more than I care to do again anytime soon. May future roadtrips be more mellow.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
ROMP Tour Day 25 - Insert key followed by HOME
I have decided to get back on the road today, come title or empty mailbox.
No title yet but the mail should be here in an hour, at that point I either leave with the title or I leave without it. I'll hook up Miss Perception this afternoon and head north, estimated departure is sometime between 3pm and 4pm. Not sure how far I'll get but I'll drive until I'm tired and then find a safe place to rest for the night and then my destination will be the Airstream Dealer in WA for some for some repairs and overall inspection. I have talked to the kind people there and they are willing to keep the little Miss until I can go back down and fetch her. I have to go back to Vancouver and then Seattle for the 3rd week in September so she will make her final homecoming to Powell River in late September, early October.
This was not the plan, but expectations are often misaligned in life so I have taken things one day at a time and not put pressure or ultimatums on anything. This morning I made the decision to leave and I have a huge appreciation for this type of freedom in my life right now, to be able to go or stay and have it be ok.
It wasn't an easy decision as Deb and Denny would love me to stay longer and I enjoy it here but I really need to get home and if I don't leave today then next weekend (being the long weekend) is going to be a zoo for traveling and considering the border and ferries, it's not when I'd like to be attempting this homeward bound tour, and staying beyond the long weekend would mean that I would maybe not even get back to Powell River until the end of September because it wouldn't be worth heading all the way back to just turn around and head back to Vancouver.
This is my latest addition for Miss Perception, a couple of little solar lights so that I can easily see the step even the dark of the night without the porch light on.
I'd like to end this post with a traditional Gaelic blessing that Deb mentioned this morning and I'm sure my friends would all agree is a nice way to set out on the road:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
No title yet but the mail should be here in an hour, at that point I either leave with the title or I leave without it. I'll hook up Miss Perception this afternoon and head north, estimated departure is sometime between 3pm and 4pm. Not sure how far I'll get but I'll drive until I'm tired and then find a safe place to rest for the night and then my destination will be the Airstream Dealer in WA for some for some repairs and overall inspection. I have talked to the kind people there and they are willing to keep the little Miss until I can go back down and fetch her. I have to go back to Vancouver and then Seattle for the 3rd week in September so she will make her final homecoming to Powell River in late September, early October.
This was not the plan, but expectations are often misaligned in life so I have taken things one day at a time and not put pressure or ultimatums on anything. This morning I made the decision to leave and I have a huge appreciation for this type of freedom in my life right now, to be able to go or stay and have it be ok.
It wasn't an easy decision as Deb and Denny would love me to stay longer and I enjoy it here but I really need to get home and if I don't leave today then next weekend (being the long weekend) is going to be a zoo for traveling and considering the border and ferries, it's not when I'd like to be attempting this homeward bound tour, and staying beyond the long weekend would mean that I would maybe not even get back to Powell River until the end of September because it wouldn't be worth heading all the way back to just turn around and head back to Vancouver.
This is my latest addition for Miss Perception, a couple of little solar lights so that I can easily see the step even the dark of the night without the porch light on.
I'd like to end this post with a traditional Gaelic blessing that Deb mentioned this morning and I'm sure my friends would all agree is a nice way to set out on the road:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
ROMP Tour day 22-24 "Untitiled"
I'm quite eager to get the title for Miss Perception. As of right now, I'm still without and therefore Untitled.
I know that Deb and Denny would like me to stay but I really need to get on my way home. It's been 24 days now and that' s a long time to be away from home when the original plan was about 14 days.
I have a real aversion to responsibility (for living things) these days and I was able to give away all my plants before I left and I don't have any pets, well except for about 500 red wriggler worms that are my indoor composting system. They're typically ok to be unfed for a couple of weeks and I did leave them with a healthy helping of food before I left but the last thing I want to do is kill the worms. I've now made some arrangements for getting them fed, thanks Love72, you'll be the happy recipient of the compost when it done too!! This is where "footloose and fancy free" meets worms.
Yesterday I headed out to get my propane tanks filled. There are a
couple of stickers on Miss Perception that say things like "Propane
tanks should only be filled to 80% of their capacity" and that really
bad things could happen if I didn't heed that warning. Note taken! So I
disconnected my tanks, put them in and my car (Ella) and headed off to
find propane. Right down the highway was a sign for propane, $2.05. I
have no clue what the measurement is, likely gallon? It's a
fill-first-pay-later setup and thankfully it's not me filling it up.
Juan was my propane tour guide. A young, kind Hispanic chap who's lived
in Fort Bragg for 7 years. We chatted a bit, he started to fill the
first tank and I mention this 80% capacity thing to him, he sort of
looks at me and then I'm thinking I didn't make myself clear or there
was some type of language barrier but he hesitates for a moment and then
says "that's the way all the tanks are filled". Bahaha !! I thanked
him and told him about Miss Perception and how I'm kind of new to all
this, he was very kind and smiled and then asked who I was traveling
with (I didn't bother to mention Ella and GyPSy because outside the
confines of this blog I would otherwise be quickly outfitted with a
small, tight-fitting white jacket with exceptionally long cuffs), so I
told him "alone", he was quite surprised. "From Canada, Alone?" He
reminded me of the border agents who always question me when I cross the
border and say I'm going to California, they are quite put out by a
woman going on a road trip by herself, good for them. So Juan filled my
tanks and after picking up some all-important rations (ice-cream and
wine) and the store I headed back home for the reconnection and

I was happy to have full tanks, it's fairly cold here at night (45F or 7C) so it's nice to have some heat running during the night and especially, especially nice to wake up and turn the heat up a bit before getting out of bed. The thermostat is right on the wall by my bed, so I just need to reach up. Everything is so handy in Miss Perception, the lights, the windows, the fans... everything is is handy in such a small footprint.
Here are a couple of "reflections" on my evenings here, the sunsets are gorgeous and it's fun to see them through Miss Perception's eyes (or windows as the case may be). There is a small moon just under the "I" as well.
I know that Deb and Denny would like me to stay but I really need to get on my way home. It's been 24 days now and that' s a long time to be away from home when the original plan was about 14 days.
I have a real aversion to responsibility (for living things) these days and I was able to give away all my plants before I left and I don't have any pets, well except for about 500 red wriggler worms that are my indoor composting system. They're typically ok to be unfed for a couple of weeks and I did leave them with a healthy helping of food before I left but the last thing I want to do is kill the worms. I've now made some arrangements for getting them fed, thanks Love72, you'll be the happy recipient of the compost when it done too!! This is where "footloose and fancy free" meets worms.
I was happy to have full tanks, it's fairly cold here at night (45F or 7C) so it's nice to have some heat running during the night and especially, especially nice to wake up and turn the heat up a bit before getting out of bed. The thermostat is right on the wall by my bed, so I just need to reach up. Everything is so handy in Miss Perception, the lights, the windows, the fans... everything is is handy in such a small footprint.
Here are a couple of "reflections" on my evenings here, the sunsets are gorgeous and it's fun to see them through Miss Perception's eyes (or windows as the case may be). There is a small moon just under the "I" as well.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
ROMP Tour Day 18-21 and STILL counting
While she provides a nice place to retreat to after a long day, I have still been able to get out and about while enjoying a nice home-base at Deb and Denny's. Here's the new smoke detector, I know it's hard to tell the difference except that this one actually works properly. Deb had to make a new hole in the mounting bracket for me so that it would match up with the existing holes in the ceiling, no need to make any new holes in the trailer (yet) unless absolutely necessary.
We've been able to enjoy a few beautiful sunsets close to the beach but...
My top 3 things I love about Fort Bragg:
1. Deb and Denny top the list !!
2. The rugged coast line
3. Seeing the milky way (over and over again!!)
Deb and I went to MacKerricher State Park on the weekend for a lovely and relaxing stroll along the boardwalks. There were seals lying about, swimming about and bobbing about too. The Park offers wonderful vistas and although it was overcast with a marine layer, it was still just as lovely as could be. (More Park pics at the end)
There have been quite a few wild-life spottings in the yard, first it was a deer a couple of days ago, then last night there was a fox that I spotted out the kitchen window, I was quite excited but Denny was more interested in scaring him off. Today was the most adorable thing, a big wild turkey and her 6-8 chicks. Oh what a cutie. Unfortunately there are no wildlife pictures but I figure the beach makes up for that.
Still sitting tight, working during the day and indulging at night with good food, good drink and good friends. Not a bad way to have to "wait".
Little by little I'm reading the user manual and getting closer to figuring things out. Here's something for all the smartie-pants out there, I thought I should take a picture of the hot water heater wiring diagram before it gets too old and weathered to read.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Day 17 - Alarming Night
We've all heard the question "if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it still make a sound?
Well I've got one that I can answer with certainty: "if I smoke detector goes off and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" the answer is a resounding "YES".
Deb and I were watching a few amusing videos last night on her Apple TV namely the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britian (this selection chosen specifically for the two MW's). I absolutely loved the group's sophiscated irreverence and like all good youtube videos, one leads to another and we were laughing and singing and generally whooping it up. Denny came home about 30 minutes later and said " did you know there's an alarm going off in your trailer?"
We raced outside and I could hear it immediately. I threw open Miss Perception's door, I was certain I smelled gas but it was the smoke detector was going off. It was all quite disorienting, that alarm is REALLY loud and quite peircing. After pulling the battery and taking it outside I was kind of rattled. Denny shut off the gas to pacify my fears. Deb got a new battery but as soon as it was connected it kept going off. Hmm maybe this is why the smoke detector didn't have a battery in it when I picked up Miss Perception. Ed had put a new battery in so I was certain it wasn't the battery. Deb wasn't going to let me sleep in the trailer without a smoke detector but with the gas off and a carbon monoxide alarm and a propane alarm still functioning (and the fact that I grew up in a house with 2 wood stoves and no smoke detectors) I felt like a night without a smoke detector would probably be quite alright.
After collecting my nerves into a small pile and stuffing them in my back pocket I headed back to the house. On the way I stopped and hugged Deb and said "Thank you for keeping me calm, will you please come with me on all my trips?" She just laughed. I guess I have to put on my big girl panties now and stop having every bump and beep scare me. I'm like a skiddish cat, it takes a long time to outgrow these things.
Onto some good news, Ella's all fixed up and tested and her ability to stay cool as a cucumber has been increased so she'll be coming home today. She's also been washed, I'm sure she feels much better now.
Denny and I are going on a shopping date today or tomorrow to get a few things for Miss Percpetion, a water pressure regulator, a few sprays, something to get rid of the oxidation, oh and let's not forget a new smoke detector. Every step is one step closer.
Well I've got one that I can answer with certainty: "if I smoke detector goes off and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" the answer is a resounding "YES".
Deb and I were watching a few amusing videos last night on her Apple TV namely the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britian (this selection chosen specifically for the two MW's). I absolutely loved the group's sophiscated irreverence and like all good youtube videos, one leads to another and we were laughing and singing and generally whooping it up. Denny came home about 30 minutes later and said " did you know there's an alarm going off in your trailer?"
We raced outside and I could hear it immediately. I threw open Miss Perception's door, I was certain I smelled gas but it was the smoke detector was going off. It was all quite disorienting, that alarm is REALLY loud and quite peircing. After pulling the battery and taking it outside I was kind of rattled. Denny shut off the gas to pacify my fears. Deb got a new battery but as soon as it was connected it kept going off. Hmm maybe this is why the smoke detector didn't have a battery in it when I picked up Miss Perception. Ed had put a new battery in so I was certain it wasn't the battery. Deb wasn't going to let me sleep in the trailer without a smoke detector but with the gas off and a carbon monoxide alarm and a propane alarm still functioning (and the fact that I grew up in a house with 2 wood stoves and no smoke detectors) I felt like a night without a smoke detector would probably be quite alright.
After collecting my nerves into a small pile and stuffing them in my back pocket I headed back to the house. On the way I stopped and hugged Deb and said "Thank you for keeping me calm, will you please come with me on all my trips?" She just laughed. I guess I have to put on my big girl panties now and stop having every bump and beep scare me. I'm like a skiddish cat, it takes a long time to outgrow these things.
Onto some good news, Ella's all fixed up and tested and her ability to stay cool as a cucumber has been increased so she'll be coming home today. She's also been washed, I'm sure she feels much better now.
Denny and I are going on a shopping date today or tomorrow to get a few things for Miss Percpetion, a water pressure regulator, a few sprays, something to get rid of the oxidation, oh and let's not forget a new smoke detector. Every step is one step closer.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Day 15 & 16:Stationary ROMP with Naked Ladies
Miss Perception and I are stationary these days. She has her jacks down and is fairly level while I spend my days working in Fort Bragg at the D&D B&B (the Deb and Denny Bed and Breakfast). I've got a lovely perch up in the suite above the garage where it's quiet and spacious to work. Meals happen in the main house and sleeping is a nightly pajama party with Miss Perception. GyPSy's with us too, she's hibernating for now. Hopefully we get Ella back tomorrow in exchange for a quick swipe on my credit card and a slight decrease in my financial net worth. Well worth it to me, I need Ella in tip top shape !!
We got into the propane gas tanks, took off the big silver cover and turned on some gas, stove lit up like a charm (high five) and then the heater as well (another high five). We played with the TV Antenna, we had learned on the video that it's integrated into the TV so I don't need a separate converter box to pick up local stations; that being said, Fort Bragg isn't known for it's countless local TV stations so I'll test my antenna reception when I hit a larger metropolis but we pressed buttons and changed channels, put up, turned around, and took down the antenna - all very easy (more high fives).
In my Day 7 Post I was uber-pleased with my ability to find and replace a blown fuse... well that's been short-lived as Denny discovered last night it's more than a blown fuse, there's a short somewhere. Sadly it happens to be on the fuse that is responsible for the water pump, the water heater and the systems info. I have a work-around which is: leave some water in the trailer, manual flush with a splash of water from the jug and look down the toilet once in a while to make sure the levels aren't too full. I haven't had the need to shower in the trailer... well that's not really true, there was a need on Day 11 and Day 12... these were the harried days on the road in my last post. I've gone longer without a shower but you do appreciate the refreshing feeling and odor removal that a shower lends. I may get this short looked at before I leave Fort Bragg if not that's ok too.
Last night there was this lovely sunset and Deb, Denny, about 25 or more Naked Ladies and I watched the sunset from the front yard. Pictures rarely do sunsets justice, but here's an attempt.
I still don't know when my departure date will be as I'm waiting on my title from DMV to show up. Both Deb and Denny had big sly smiles on their faces this morning when they told me that some bad weather is coming with wind and thunderstorms, not traveling weather !! I'm not making any plans right now, just taking things one at a time. First I need to get Ella back, then the title and THEN we'll see when it makes sense to add some more miles to the ROMP Tour.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
ROMPing to Day 14 - multi-day update
There have been many adventures (which is what I call the unexpected and sometimes frightening things that happen).
I left Southern California on Saturday morning, Aug 11th and was heading for San Mateo to Casie's wedding. My confidence level wasn't very high yet with towing but some hitch adjustments by Chuck make a huge difference and the towing experience transformed to smooth, smooth sailing and much better braking as well - I get it now.
Although I have a big hitch on the back on my car I don't have the engine upgrades for a tow package. Does that matter? Well, we'll see. The morning started off early and I was on the freeway by about 8:30am with an estimated arrival time of about 2:30pm thanks to GyPSy's acute sense of drive times and distances. You go girl !! The wedding wasn't until 6:00pm so I felt that there was plenty of time and anything that came my way would be alright and there would be time for stops and some relaxation. Well there was time for stops, but somewhat different that I anticipated. The first stop came about half way up the Grapevine. Ella started overheating (and now, after the fact I need to apologize to her because it was my fault - sorry Ella). Since she's the only way forward in my life right now I had to pull over and let her cool off. I did that wrong too... Here's what I've learned: my car defaults to overdrive, I should take it out of overdrive. I should NOT drive my car in 2nd gear with overdrive on. If the car starts overheating you should try and drive faster, rev the engine and keep the air flowing. If you do decide to pull over, don't turn the car off because the fan stops and the engine just keeps getting hotter. Oh and did I mention the heat wave?
One stop on the Grapevine would lead to two. Luckily both times there was a safe place for me to pull over. GyPSy was still keeping track of our arrival time and it started to slip to 3:30 and then 4:00pm, and then GyPSy did something I've not seen her do before, she found a FASTER way to get there. What a dear. She made a suggestion for a new route and I thought, well even if just shaves off a couple of minutes, every little bit helps right? Well unless it means going over another Pass !! So Ella made it about 2/3 way up only this time there was no where to pull over. I ended up half in a lane and half on the shoulder and these HUGE trucks laden with garlic ripping by me. The positive: I was close to the top of a long straight stretch so people could see me. The negative: I couldn't see people coming up behind me because of Miss Perception. Another great opportunity for my heart to beat out of my chest and really feel like I was alive. It always seems that when we've precariously put ourselves in a unsafe situations we feel "really alive" because there's a higher chance that we might die. (I'm fine though mom, please don't worry).
So by virtue of a heat wave, Ella overheating and GyPSy telling me that my arrival time would now be closer to 5:24pm this little Canadian was sweating bullets and melting as the day progressed. When all was said and done I rolled into the lovely Crystal Springs Golf Course at 5:24pm. I figured out where the overflow parking was and thought that I'd better get changed and head up to the clubhouse for the wedding. The wedding wasn't at the clubhouse but rather about 2 miles down the road at the gazebo. My timing was perfect, it was now about 5:40pm, Casie's limo was parked outside with her wedding party which included her sister Justine who I recognized right away; Casey was just coming out of the clubhouse for some last minute arrangements and some friends of hers pulled up, I hijacked their back seat and they were able to give me a ride down to the gazebo with about 10 minutes to spare before the wedding started.
The wedding was incredible. There was so much love between Casie and Brian it was one of the loveliest weddings I've ever experienced. Congratulations you two !!
The guy who looks like he's singing opera in the background is the minster, he was great, had a wonderful sense of humour and a really sweet spirit.
The golf course was nice enough to let me boon dock overnight. I was able to find a flat spot and get my jacks down to have a great night sleep after a wonderful dinner and reception.
One of my favourite parts of the 128 is where it winds through the Redwood Forest. I've always imagined pulling my airstream over and taking some lovely pictures in the dark, cool dampness of the forest with the giant trees around. Today was the day I'd get to make that dream come true !! There are lots of good places to safely pull off the road and so here is where I took that chance.
It was a happy reunion pulling into Deb and Denny's place. I was exhausted, had a headache and just needed a shower but that all had to wait until I got to show of the little Miss.
Denny has been amazing. He helped me turn the whole rig around in the driveway and then back Miss Perception up into "the old driveway" where she sits between two buildings. Denny was also able to help me with the awning so Miss Perception has her awning out (pictures tomorrow) and I think she's even cuter... if that's even possible. There are a few oxidation spots which Denny can help me with as well so which I'm quite excited about. There are several things to still figure out but both Deb and Denny are tinkerers so I'm sure we'll make some good strides in my Airstream Education this week.
Since I've been torturing Ella she's at the car spa (aka the Dodge dealership) and is having her back rubbed and her nails painted. The great service team will put some new parts in and make her happier. Between her upgrade and my education I think we'll be much happier when we face the hills together in our future.
So today (Tuesday) makes 14 days on the ROMP Tour. I'm waiting on parts for Ella and the title transfer from the DMV. If we can get both of those items completed before Friday then I may be able to head north on the weekend. I need to give the border 72 hours notice of the "importation" of my large, taxable purchase while in the US. The adventure continues. I'm learning to accept things one day at a time and that plans sometimes come undone but I've got a safe place to rest and sleep and I'm constantly surrounded by friends - that's what's most important.
Friday, August 10, 2012
I'm going to be offline for a few days with travels and some boon docking.
Leaving Southern California early Saturday morning and heading north to San Mateo for Casey's wedding.
Sunday morning will be the drive from San Mateo to Deb and Denny's in Fort Bragg.
Updates will resume by Monday...
Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Much Love !!
Leaving Southern California early Saturday morning and heading north to San Mateo for Casey's wedding.
Sunday morning will be the drive from San Mateo to Deb and Denny's in Fort Bragg.
Updates will resume by Monday...
Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Much Love !!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 8 - Comments Welcome (for all)
No miles but many smiles.
To the followers who want to comment but can't - you can now. I adjusted the settings and you should be able to comment under anonymous now (but do sign your name so I know who you are :) Thanks !!!
Miss Perception has found a place to happily boon dock for 2 days and it's been fun to sleep in what I would now like to call "my own bed" while still getting to hang out with friends and work from a spacious office during the day.
The spacious office comes with air conditioning and this important right now because there's a heat wave in Southern California - phew it's hot. They call it earthquake weather here and they're not kidding. As you know I had a little "bump" in the night yesterday and today while I was working the rocking and shaking started again, I was on the phone and less nervous than I normally have been in the past during earthquakes and part of that was probably because I wasn't alone, Brion and Yvette were there. Yvette let out a big "wahooo" when it was over. Awesome. There were a few aftershocks, I only felt the first one about 30 minutes later.
As all good things must come to an end... I had to move on and see another group of friends and introduce them to Miss Perception as well. The best laid plans sometimes change and my hopes for driving back to Bellflower in the daylight quickly vanished when I got absolutely carried away with my visit to Lance and Shannon's place. Luke and Jake (their grown sons) were there as well and once we opened Miss Perception's door and people started coming in and checking her out, the neighbours started to show up and suddenly 4 new friends turned into 8 and then someone was off for their evening walk and stopped by to join the conversation as well. Miss Perception was a hit !
After a great tour there was dessert to be had and some great reminiscing as well as some hopeful future plans of RV adventures together. Luke (19) is extremely eager to visit Miss Perception and I in Canada - I think that would be fun although I feel a large part of it has to do with Canada's drinking age. Haha.
So the first Night Ride(r - oh sorry, I don't know David Hassellhoff channeled through me there for a second) I headed from Orange to Bellflower, about a 30 minute drive. I did really well, we all did: GyPSy, Miss Perception, Ella and I. The drive was good, I was forcing myself to relax because some nerves still exist but I just kept saying "trust the space" - I'm spatially challenged right now in that I don't have a really good feel for my dimensions but I'm getting better. Each mile will get easier.
Here are some long-awaited pictures from the interior. Enjoy and one more day, then I'm back on the road again and the Trippy Facts will return.
Here are some interior pics
Starting with the dining room
Close-up of the fabrics
Kitchen includes sink with dual-purpose sink cover/cutting board, pull out faucet, two burner stove with range hood that offers light and fan options. Dining seating on the right and overhead storage - I love the storage !!
Bedroom on the left with a small closet (actually quite spacious inside) and then right back to the kitchen.
Bedroom with a comfy, spacious place to sleep.
TV, sort of tied down right now but it swings out over the bed and also swings around so you can be sitting at the dining area and watch TV too.
View from the bed, my bookshelves/holders and then back out into the dining area on the right.
Storage over the dining table.
View from the front door - bathroom door looking into the rest of the trailer. Oh, and that's not a dishwasher, it's my fridge !!
Just to show the colors of the floor, in juxtaposition of the stainless baseboards and then the darker colored walls.
To the followers who want to comment but can't - you can now. I adjusted the settings and you should be able to comment under anonymous now (but do sign your name so I know who you are :) Thanks !!!
Miss Perception has found a place to happily boon dock for 2 days and it's been fun to sleep in what I would now like to call "my own bed" while still getting to hang out with friends and work from a spacious office during the day.
The spacious office comes with air conditioning and this important right now because there's a heat wave in Southern California - phew it's hot. They call it earthquake weather here and they're not kidding. As you know I had a little "bump" in the night yesterday and today while I was working the rocking and shaking started again, I was on the phone and less nervous than I normally have been in the past during earthquakes and part of that was probably because I wasn't alone, Brion and Yvette were there. Yvette let out a big "wahooo" when it was over. Awesome. There were a few aftershocks, I only felt the first one about 30 minutes later.
As all good things must come to an end... I had to move on and see another group of friends and introduce them to Miss Perception as well. The best laid plans sometimes change and my hopes for driving back to Bellflower in the daylight quickly vanished when I got absolutely carried away with my visit to Lance and Shannon's place. Luke and Jake (their grown sons) were there as well and once we opened Miss Perception's door and people started coming in and checking her out, the neighbours started to show up and suddenly 4 new friends turned into 8 and then someone was off for their evening walk and stopped by to join the conversation as well. Miss Perception was a hit !
After a great tour there was dessert to be had and some great reminiscing as well as some hopeful future plans of RV adventures together. Luke (19) is extremely eager to visit Miss Perception and I in Canada - I think that would be fun although I feel a large part of it has to do with Canada's drinking age. Haha.
So the first Night Ride(r - oh sorry, I don't know David Hassellhoff channeled through me there for a second) I headed from Orange to Bellflower, about a 30 minute drive. I did really well, we all did: GyPSy, Miss Perception, Ella and I. The drive was good, I was forcing myself to relax because some nerves still exist but I just kept saying "trust the space" - I'm spatially challenged right now in that I don't have a really good feel for my dimensions but I'm getting better. Each mile will get easier.
Here are some long-awaited pictures from the interior. Enjoy and one more day, then I'm back on the road again and the Trippy Facts will return.
Here are some interior pics
Starting with the dining room
Close-up of the fabrics
Kitchen includes sink with dual-purpose sink cover/cutting board, pull out faucet, two burner stove with range hood that offers light and fan options. Dining seating on the right and overhead storage - I love the storage !!
Bedroom on the left with a small closet (actually quite spacious inside) and then right back to the kitchen.
Bedroom with a comfy, spacious place to sleep.
TV, sort of tied down right now but it swings out over the bed and also swings around so you can be sitting at the dining area and watch TV too.
View from the bed, my bookshelves/holders and then back out into the dining area on the right.
Storage over the dining table.
View from the front door - bathroom door looking into the rest of the trailer. Oh, and that's not a dishwasher, it's my fridge !!
Just to show the colors of the floor, in juxtaposition of the stainless baseboards and then the darker colored walls.
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